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Feeld safety + community guidelines

Our intention at Feeld is to create safer & more inclusive spaces for our Members that evolve alongside our community.


Feeld is a place for all people to feel safe exploring their desires. In this space, we approach each other with openness, curiosity, tolerance, and respect—regardless of differences. Feeling seen and respected is a fundamental human need. As we pursue it for ourselves, we extend the same grace to others.

Active consent

Both online and offline, active consent is a cornerstone of Feeld. Consent is an unambiguous “yes”: freely given, without coercion, without manipulation, not in a state of incapacitation. It is a “yes,” made intentionally, by a person who is informed about what will and will not happen in an exchange. It’s a “yes” that can be retracted at any time.


Revealing ourselves to others is deeply personal. Sometimes we feel comfortable sharing, and sometimes we don’t. On Feeld, each of us gets to decide how, when, and with whom we share ourselves through features like “Hide Me on Feeld” and “Incognito”. Privacy doesn’t contradict authenticity. It lives alongside it and enables it as we pursue honest, meaningful connections.


We are who we say we are. Fake Member profiles, catfishing, impersonations, or other intentional misrepresentations of identity are not allowed. In this space, we’re real people bringing as much of ourselves as we wish to each interaction. Doing so allows us to form more meaningful connections—not only with others, but with ourselves.


If someone makes you feel unsafe on Feeld, we want to know and take appropriate action. Please report any harassment, abuse, threats, discriminatory behavior, or misconduct that you witness or experience. To protect your identity, your report will remain anonymous. We will either warn or remove people who violate our community guidelines. Your reports are an essential part of creating a safer community together.


As our community grows and evolves, our safety practices will too. If you feel unsafe and need to report a specific case of misconduct or a safety issue, please email

If you have thoughts or feedback on our safety principles, please let us know by emailing

Policy Breakdown

This is a breakdown of our policies.

Personal Information


Catfishing and Fake Images

Identity Theft and Compromised Accounts

Harassment and Hate speech


NCII, Revenge porn, or Blackmail

Prohibited Images

Physical and Sexual Abuse




Crime (Other)
